Career Craziness and the Great Recession

Are we still using the term The Great Recession? I haven’t heard it used recently but it still feels like I’m in the middle of it. Lots of twists and turns in my career during the last 7 years. I find myself on the job hunt once again.

Dusting off the old resume, spiffing it up with a new design, and settling into a month following the end of my latest contract job.

I won’t lie–there are have been moments of sheer panic. Gut wrenching panic. But then God’s grace covers it all. I continue to put one foot in front of the other. Leave no stone unturned. Heck, I’ve even networked as I work my part-time retail job. I met a woman last night who was interviewing as an executive recruiter and was looking for the perfect outfit for her interview today.

Which leads me to the next question. Why do people, and especially women, put all the time and effort into perfecting their resume, going to networking events, applying online, and doing personal networking, only to wait until the last possible minute to find the right clothes for the inevitable interview? One evening I sold an expensive suit to a young, 20 something woman who had an interview at 10 am the next morning. The slacks were too long, even with the highest heels. Luckily the tailor at the mall does simple alterations while you wait. But truly, my advice to job seekers is to put as much effort into your appearance as you do to the rest of your job search. Have an outfit ready.

Some days I feel like one of those plate jugglers. You know, like the ones that used to be on the Tonight Show or a variety show like The Ed Sullivan Show (and I know I am dating myself here). I see a job listing and think, hey I could do that. Spend a few minutes on the online application, whip out a cover letter, and while I am surfing the company’s website for more info, I get another email with yet another job posting that sounds intriguing. So I spin that plate while waiting for my password to be reset for the other site. Then my phone rings with a call from a recruiter with a very heavy accent about a contract job. So I stop and spin that plate for a while.

There are some days that I just want to quit spinning those plates and just sit and breathe.

God continues to provide people in my life to encourage me and pray for me and that makes all the difference. God continues to show me, in small ways and big ways, that He has my life in His hands. Last Sunday’s message at church is a prime example. The Principle of Pruning was such an encouragement to me. Pruning is designed to cause us to bear more fruit in our lives. God doesn’t prune us because we have done something wrong, but because we did something right. There’s so much more. Listen for more at

Through all of this, I am blessed!